How to mod Mini Militia: Doodle army 2. Simply simple. Must see

 It is really alot of work looking for mini militia mod apk on the internet. Most post contains invalid apps for the mod, outdated(not always updated), fake online generator for games gems and all those stuffs.

   Well today am going to show a way to hack mini militia.


•  An Android phone.

 MM Super patcher v. 2.2


• Install MINI MILITIA 4.4.2 and the MM super patcher on the phone.

• Install the app and and do not open it for now.

• Download the 428.kmods file Here

•  Go to settings >> storage and  copy or move the 428.kmods to kmods>> mod(s) on the internal storage.

Open the MM super patcher and allow required permission displayed.

•   Click on Launch Live patchers and a k button will appear.

•  Then tap Launch modded games. 

That's all.

• Note: Before starting any game click on the k button in order to start.

   That all Ortekist..

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